
21 Days of Journaling:

uplevel your business, love life and money

The Art of Love:

create a love-and-passion-filleld thriving intimate relationship

The Money Course:

master the spiritual laws of embodying the money flow

Boss Babe ...

πŸ’₯ She is powerful. 

πŸ’₯ She is confident. 

πŸ’₯ She trusts herself. 

πŸ’₯ She is loving, kind, open, compassionate, generous, playful and fun.  She embodies her innate essence, The Feminine. 

πŸ’₯ She know her worth and she refuses to settle for less. 

πŸ’₯ She is a magnet.  She pulls in all that she desires: people, experiences, stuff and things, miracles and synchronicities. 

πŸ’₯ She is irresistible because she stands in her innate power.  She is who she was created to be.  She is 100% herself. 

πŸ’₯ She embodies effortless ease, a state of Grace. 

πŸ’₯ Abundance is her state of mind, her state of being. 

πŸ’₯ She knows what she wants and she gets what she wants. 

πŸ’₯ She is a force, the most powerful force in the Universe.  She creates.  She loves.  She gives. 

πŸ’₯ The more she gives, the more she receives.

πŸ’₯ She inspires.  She empowers.  She loves others into greatness. 

πŸ’₯ She lives her life on her terms.

πŸ’₯ She is free to create, to enjoy, to love and to be.

πŸ’₯ She is madly in love with life.


She is you.

She is me.


✨ She is us when we remember who we are, our innate essence and who we were created to be.

✨ She is us when we return to love.

✨ She is us when we step away from trying hard, pushing through, comparing and competing, worrying, stressing out, rushing and feeling not good enough.


All we need to do is remember.



✨YOU create✨

✨YOU shape your destiny✨

✨and YOU get to CHOOSE✨


I am a serial entrepreneur, success coach, inspirational speaker, hotelier and world traveler.

After a decade of starting and growing my businesses into thriving communities of yoga, healthy, holistic lifestyle, personal growth and transformation, I sold all of my worldly possessions to travel the world together with my husband and daughters and fluffy dog, Dante.

I teach women all over the world to create a life beyond their wildest dreams and #manifestthatshit in love, money, business, & parenting.

A native of Kazakhstan, after graduating as a high school valedictorian at age 16, I came alone to the US to attend university.  I graduated from the University of Houston double-majoring in Accounting and Finance.  After a few years in public accounting as a CPA, I started my first business, YogaOne Studios, together with my husband, Roger.  We grew YogaOne to a thriving community of 7 yoga studios, which was later acquired by YogaWorks Inc. 

Some of my other business creations are Blue Sky Retreat Center, One Love Juice Bar, mat2mat on-line platform and my online educational and coaching platform.


I am here to remind you ...

πŸ’₯ of the fullness of your power...

πŸ’₯ of what is possible when you believe in yourself...

πŸ’₯ and how to create it all with ease and grace


Build your confidence around your worth, the value of your work and who you are.
Shift your limiting beliefs around what's possible for you, your work, your worth and your life.
Elevate your energetic vibration when it comes to money.  Open up to the overflow of money and abundance.
Learn the principles and apply the tool for creating a love-and-passion filled intimate relationship.
Embody your innate essence, The Power of The Feminine, to create with freedom and ease in all areas of your life: relationships, business & work, money and life.

✍️ unleash the power of your subconscious mind and embody your most resourceful state through intentional and empowering practice of journaling.

✍️ become unstoppable with daily inspiration and motivation that will get you moving towards your goals.

✍️ learn affirmations and incantations that will shift your inner state, aka leverage 80% of your success.

✍️ give yourself 5-7 min daily to practice a life-changing magic of meditation to create a life beyond your wildest dreams and #manifestthatshit

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ Daily content will start coming to your inbox on Dec 1

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ FREE Live sessions will take place on the these dates (get your zoom link HERE even if you are not signed up for Boss Babe Bundle): 

πŸ’₯ Monday, November 13 6PM CST: Clarity is Power: Magnetize Your Soulmate Clients By Showing Up on Social Media

πŸ’₯ Friday, November 24 6PM CST: Know What You Want and #manifestthatshit in business/career, love and money

πŸ’₯ Thursday, December 7 6PM CST: Unleash The Power Of Your Innate Essence, The Feminine, and slay in love, business and money




 β€οΈ create a thriving, love-and-passion filled intimate relationship by understanding and embodying the energy of the feminine (and celebrating your partner's essence of the masculine)

❀️ learn to communicate your needs and desires in a way that your partner hears, understands and responds to

❀️ take inspired action and create playful rituals to cultivate a thriving relationship that gets better and better with time

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ You get instant access to The Art Of Love via auto-responder email the moment you enroll in the Boss Babe BundleπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ 


πŸ’° clear your limiting beliefs that block your money flow and step into the energy of abundance and overflow.

πŸ’° understand, expand and embody your multi-faceted wealth and thrive in all areas of your life.

πŸ’° your inner state, or your energetic vibration, creates your money reality.  Release resentment, envy and judgement to step into true abundance.

Module 1: You Shape Your Own Money Reality

πŸ’° Money is Energy.  Understand, Embody and Master The Money Flow.
πŸ’° Your Money Mindset Shapes Your Money Reality.
πŸ’° The Wheel of Life: Expand Your Understanding of Wealth and Become Wealthy.
πŸ’° Emotional Scale: Elevate Your Energetic Vibration and Become Rich AF.

Module 2: Clear Your Abundance Blocks and Embody Money Overflow

πŸ’° Negative Money Mindset
πŸ’° Lack of Deserving
πŸ’° Clutter, Chaos and Drama
πŸ’° Grudges, Resentment and Blame
πŸ’° Fear of Loss
πŸ’° Focus on What’s Missing
πŸ’° The β€œGet” Mindset

Module 3: Decision is Power.  Decide To Be Wealthy.

πŸ’° Vision Meditation: Envision Your Wealth, Get A Feeling Tone of Wealth and Become Wealthy.
πŸ’° The Omens, or How The Universe Talks to You
πŸ’° Speak Blessing Into Your Future

Module 4: Step Into The Flow – Forgive & Let Go

πŸ’° Your Sacred Friends Hold the Key to Your Abundance
πŸ’° Loving Kindness Meditation To Step Into The Money Flow
πŸ’° Authentic Generosity: Abundance Is Your State of Mind

Module 5: Gratitude is the Vibration of Abundance

πŸ’° Gratitude Meditation To Become Rich AF

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ You get instant access to The Money Course via auto-responder email the moment you enroll in the Boss Babe BundleπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ 

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Your Order

Boss Babe Bundle $297
$297.00 USD

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Boss Babe Bundle $297
$297.00 USD
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Your Order

Boss Babe Plan $111 x 3 monthly installments
3 Payments of $111.00 USD Monthly

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Boss Babe Plan $111 x 3 monthly installments
3 Payments of $111.00 USD Monthly

πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° when you sign up for Boss Babe Bundle, you get a $297 discount on the upcoming Bosslady Business Bootcamp that will take place on-line on Thursdays, Jan 11, 18 & 26 6-7:30PM CST - stay tuned for details πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°  


"This offering came at a perfect time for me.  I am at a major crossroads in my life and it was so supportive to set me up to create a beautiful life, instead of focusing on the past or getting overwhelmed.  

Your dedication, confidence and experience are truly inspiring.  You delivered so many helpful tools.  My heart and brain are busy processing and implementing.  

I am very grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge and time to elevate women!  The world needs more powerful, spiritual, women leaders!  I look forward to your next workshop/retreat!"

-Sharon D'Amico



"For years I have been seeking a deeper connection with God and with my true identity through reading, courses, retreats and more. As the flow of life would have it, I came across Albina's trainings.

Albina's offers are experiential learning time that guide participants into the inner knowing of who we are in this world. Albina invites students into the heart of our Creator in a powerful, yet gentle way that promises to be a springboard into the life we are ALL made for.

For the past several years, I have been on a deep dive into my inner world and have paid LOTS of money for coaching and faith-based programs. While these were wonderful for my learning and growth, Albina's training accelerated my growth and deepened the level of breakthrough my heart has longed for and frankly thought was not going to happen. 

I will be forever grateful for this experience." 

-Amy H. 



"Albina's training has been a deep personal transformation, which I can describe in one word: CLARITY.

Through this course I’ve let go of my limiting beliefs about myself and I
feel empowered to manifest my desires which I have always known, but
didn’t know how to make them happen.

Albina was present with each one of us this past week, listened, was
non-judgemental and gave us all encouraging advise. She made us
see through ourselves, what our deepest desires are how to see what
was right in front of us, but we couldn’t see.

I feel renewed! At the age of 60, a new path in my life has taken place. I
know I want more!"

-Debbie C.


πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° when you sign up for Boss Babe Bundle, you get a $297 discount on the upcoming Bosslady Business Bootcamp that will take place on-line on Thursdays, Jan 11, 18 & 26 6-7:30PM CST - stay tuned for details πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°  

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Your Order

Boss Babe Bundle $297
$297.00 USD

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Boss Babe Bundle $297
$297.00 USD
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Your Order

Boss Babe Plan $111 x 3 monthly installments
3 Payments of $111.00 USD Monthly

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Boss Babe Plan $111 x 3 monthly installments
3 Payments of $111.00 USD Monthly